Todd The Inter-Dimensional Robot: PennApps XVI Presentation
In this talk my project teammates and I present our work developing an asymmetric two-player game where one person plays as the robot operator and another plays as the dungeon master. For this project we built Todd: The Inter-Dimensional Robot from a breadboard, an arduino, and a HC-05 Bluetooth micro-controller. We match up the movements of the robot in the real world to the movements of the robot in-game and show how this can be the basis of an engaging two-player game.
This presentation was given on September 11th 2017 in the Berger Auditorium at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia PA as part of the 16th Annual PennApps Hackathon. Our team won 3rd place out of 158 teams and each recieved a Gen 1 Apple Watch as a prize.