About me

Hey! I’m Liam, a third-year PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania, with the Penn NLP group. I am advised by Professor Chris Callison-Burch.

My research focuses primarily on large language models and how humans interact with them. In particular, I am interested in human detection of generated text and whether we can apply those insights to automatic detection systems. I am also interested in the practical application of large language models to education.

My co-authors and I maintain the Real or Fake Text website where people can test how well they can detect generated text. We also maintain the RAID Benchmark the largest and most challenging benchmark for automatic generated text detectors. Feel free to check these resources out yourself to both test your detection skill and compare popular detectors!

My previous work has included:

  • Customizing Machine Translation systems for Cross-Lingual Question Answering
  • Automatic Question Generation for “Smart Textbooks”
  • Developing low latency End-to-End Speech Translation

Outside of academia, I like to play chess, run, and study foreign languages. Feel free to reach out if you want to chat about my research or the PhD application process!